
 We are Danger Village. 

PRESS CAMPAIGNS // Danger Village is an artist and music development company. We specialize in crafting PR campaigns catered to your specific needs wherever you are in your career. With a focus on publicity, Danger Village has the ability to take an artist from unknown to household name. Our outreach runs the gamut of the press world- from first looks on the blogs to features in The New York Times, Vogue, and the Tonight Show. Through attention generated from our campaigns, we connect the dots between artists, managers, labels, booking agents and publishers.  

CONSULTATION // Danger Village is available to consult for corporate PR campaigns and brand strategy. Our consultations guide you through the benefits of hiring a publicist; from overseeing the structure of your campaign to advising on the final results. Our aim is to help facilitate your press campaigns reach their maximum potential. 

mission and vision

The mission of Danger Village is to foster growth through thoughtful and meaningful artist development campaigns. We believe that music can have a powerful impact on the listener and we look to work with artists who are making honest music who share this belief.  Danger Village understands that when an artist puts their whole heart and creative power into their music, it is our responsibility to do everything we can to make sure as many people as possible hear that piece of work.  We believe that by creating a larger audience for an artist, we facilitate bringing their message to the world, which is a powerful tool for connecting people universally.  We look to expand the fanbase of our artists to an international audience in order to promote peace on a global scale. We strive to bring light to the world through music.